Popular Education and Narrative Organizing
We educate and inspire others to imagine and actualize a world beyond capitalism.
CED believes in the power of narrative organizing and popular education to amplify the voices of working class communities of color and share our theory of change.
We offer popular education.
At CED, we define popular education as a participatory process in which everyone learns and teaches to democratically produce new perspectives that enable us to transform systems.
E4E: Economics For Emancipation
In 2023, we launched an online popular education portal, Economics for Emancipation, to engage our partners and broader movement ecosystem in understanding capitalism, solidarity, and how we get free. This seven-module introductory curriculum, offers a deep critical dive into building an economy that centers care, relationship, and liberation.
Movement Finance Freedom School
Movement Finance Freedom School's curriculum engages grassroots and movement organizers in deepening our collective knowledge about the history and function of finance, while exploring how we can use financial tools to create a more democratic world.
We build narrative power.
At CED, we define narrative organizing as building collective power to resist oppressive narratives and replace them with liberating narratives.
Narrative organizing with our coalitions
Narrative organizing within our coalitions aims to popularize stories that highlight our groups’ campaigns for a more democratic economy through various strategies in the workplace, local governments, and beyond. This work helps prefigure a future beyond capitalism by seeding hope and new possibilities for transformation to ultimately encourage mass protagonism within our communities.
Narrative cohorts for economic democracy
We bring together narrative cohorts to advance economic democracy by amplifying local and regional, human-centered stories about acts of collective resistance and outcomes of economic reclamation. Our goal is to animate the people most impacted by the violence of racial capitalism and their greatest potential accomplices toward economic democracy as a goal beyond survival.