June 25, 2024

Building Pathways to a Post-capitalist Future

A post-capitalist world is not just a possibility but a shared reality we are actively working towards at the Center for Economic Democracy. We continue to work in deep collaboration with our partners and accomplices – funders, investors, grassroots organizations, and organizers – to drive meaningful impact for transformative systems change. From empowering workshops catalyzing action for Palestinian rights to grassroots movements reshaping economies, we are building power through solidarity. As we confront the daunting challenges of our time, let these bodies of work inspire us to continue pushing boundaries, challenging systems of oppression, and shaping a future where community, compassion, and justice prevail.

Funders and investors around the globe attend workshop series to take action for Palestinian rights!

CED recently co-organized a two-part workshop series with Action Center on Race & Economy (ACRE), American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), and Grassroots International (GRI) called “Take Action for Palestinian Rights: Workshops for Philanthropic Funders and Investors.” 100+ people from across the U.S. (and globally!) joined us, representing foundations, wealth management firms, funder and investor networks, and individual donors. Utilizing the Social Movement Investing framework, we discussed the main levers of U.S. support in enabling genocide and apartheid, and opportunities for funders and investors to divest from violence, engage in movement led campaigns, and invest in Palestinian civil society and movement building organizations. To learn more, review the resources listed at the button below and contact Nadav, CED‘s Capital Strategies Manager at nadav@economicdemocracy.us.

Grassroots organizations, funders, and investors engage in shared learning opportunity for redirecting capital and resourcing frontline communities!

Solidarity Economy Initiative (SEI) grassroots groups and participants in the Solidarity Philanthropy Learning Circle (SPLC) cohort met in Revere at the new home of NUBE and Ayni Institute (which was acquired with support of a $200K grant from the SEI Pooled fund in 2023) to build connections around solidarity economy projects and visions across the state. We engaged in shared learning across the two groups and discussed an investment screening tool from our Social Movement Investing Report that assesses how projects are building community power, community governance and community action. For the second half of the day, we moved into breakouts where the funders reflected on opportunities to shift their governance to grassroots groups, and SEI groups discussed the next stage of SEI which will launch in 2025 as a solidarity economy incubator (more details coming soon). We are looking forward to our next meeting and opportunity to deepen collaborations across grassroots groups, solidarity economy projects, donors and funders in September!

Grassroots groups present unified budget demands for FY25 to Boston City Councilors!

Last month the Better Budget Alliance, along with other local grassroots organizations, presented a set of unified budget demands for FY25 to Boston’s City Council. The Grassroots Budget Briefing was the first time so many different issue-based advocacy groups came together around the city budget to highlight the community’s investment priorities. Groups highlighted increased funding needs for truly affordable housing, youth jobs, mental health crisis response, participatory budgeting and multilingual education. With over 75 people present in the room, we were happy to see representation from seven city councilors or their offices. Hear highlights from the briefing here and check out the press release here.

The City Council recently voted 10-3 in favor of $15.3M of amendments to the Mayor’s proposed budget, allocating $11 million to critical community needs. However, the Mayor has since vetoed nearly all of these investments, including over $4 million for youth jobs, workforce development, ESOL classes; $4.9 million for housing, and $3 million for other areas of community well-being. Many of the amendments came from our grassroots allies of the Better Budget Alliance and young people from Youth Justice and Power Union. It’s not only important that these investments remain in the FY25 budget to meet residents’ needs, but that the Council demonstrates they can exercise their new budgetary powers passed by the voter ballot question in 2021 as part of our charter reform campaign.

Boston residents: Contact your City Councilor before June 26 and urge them to uphold grassroots-driven amendments to the City’s budget. Sign the petition at the button below (versión en español aquí).

Worker-owned cooperatives celebrate FY25 Massachusetts state budget win for the MA Center for Employee Ownership!

Shout out to our friends and movement allies in Massachusetts: thanks for helping create and sustain more worker-owned, cooperative  businesses! We’re celebrating the unanimous passage of Amendment 254 in the MA senate budget, filed by Senator Cyr, to fund the MA Center for Employee Ownership (MassCEO). This win follows 2 beautiful lobby days, and tons of constituent mobilization, organized by our Coalition for Worker Ownership and Power (COWOP).

The State budget is now being ironed out between the House and the Senate, and we’re hopeful that MassCEO’s funding will remain. Later this month, Governor Healey will have the choice to keep this funding and invest in a worker-owned economy, or veto it.

MA Residents: Speak out now for worker coops by sending a letter to Governor Healey! Use the button below.

The housing crisis is real. Poll finds voters want REAL solutions!

The Center for Popular Democracy and Right to the City Alliance polled registered voters across 5 key states: Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina to understand how the crisis in housing affordability has impacted them and how it influences the kind of elected leaders they want in office.

  • 82% of renters believe that prioritizing rent and housing costs can improve their lives!
  • 77% of renters are more likely to support elected officials who advocate for rent stabilization and affordable housing.
  • 70% of renters will back candidates who push for good cause eviction.

Learn what voters in 5 key states say about what their views are on housing affordability and explore solutions to the affordable housing crisis at the button below.

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